How to Escape From the Friend Zone!

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Are YOU sick and tired of being a FRIEND?

Do YOU sometimes wish she would finally realize that you’re THE ONE?

Have YOU entered the dreaded FRIEND ZONE and see NO WAY OUT?

Act now, get Escape the Friend Zone: From Just a Friend to Your Girlfriend. We’ll also toss in this beautiful set of stainless steel kitchen knives. But wait, that’s not all. Order in the next five minutes and you’ll also receive this handy lemon zester that can attach to a keychain! Not only does this little beauty zest lemons, but also other fruit such as oranges, limes, and grapefruits! Impress your friends at the next party!


Okay, I may have gone a bit overboard there, but that was the general sense I got when I stumbled upon this web page selling this ebook by Ray Spieri. No, you don’t get the knives or the lemon zester with your order, but you do get unlimited email support. This website caught my eye because last week I happened to write a post about the “dreaded friend zone.”

No, I have not read the ebook, and this may be an unfair judgment on it. But I don’t think so. There is quite a bit of information shared on the site alone that I have issues with. Let me start by saying that I, at several points in my life, yearned for something more from a friend.

I’ve heard the, “I think you’re a great guy and any girl would be lucky to have you, but I’m just not interested in you in that way. I hope we can stay friends,” speech. More than once. In fact, I just heard this about five months ago.

I’m Mr. Nice Guy. And I will admit that it has been frustrating for me in the past. If I saw this many years ago, while I was in my 20s, I might even have been tempted to order it.

You can’t manipulate your way into a relationship

Well, maybe you can. But I can tell you that’s a pretty shitty way to go about it. Manipulation is dishonesty. And a foundation built on dishonesty will crumble. Some of the things you will learn, according to the website:

  1. Make yourself scarce – Don’t respond to her calls or texts straight away. Wait a day or two.
  2. Create jealousy – Make her jealous by telling her about girls you’re interested in and dates you’ve gone on. Make her realize what she really wants. You!
  3. Remain only friends – Tell her, after careful consideration, that you agree with her. You should only be friends. This all of a sudden makes you a challenge. And we all know what girls want more than anything.

Let’s break that down.

#1 is nothing ground-breaking. This is an age-old dating tactic. 

#2 is just disturbing to me. Here’s why: do you want to date a jealous person? I have jealousy issues myself, and it’s something that I work on, because I don’t think it’s an attractive quality (to other people or to myself). So why would you set yourself up for this?

#3 sounds like the ultimate manipulation. It’s straight-up lying. You feel one way but you bullshit and say you feel another. Sounds like a great way to kick things off.

I can show you how to turn the tables on any female friend making YOU the object of her desire.

Love is not a game. Relationships aren’t games.

So what to do?

Chill out. Enjoy the company of a good friend. Appreciate the relationship for what it is. Not every girl we get along with or we find physically attractive needs to be anything more than a friend.

Be honest to yourself. Be honest to others. Do the things that you want to do, that bring you enjoyment in life. Stop trying so hard. Remove expectations of yourself and of others and let relationships happen naturally. Sometimes they’ll be platonic relationships. Sometimes they will be something else. But don’t manipulate your way into one.

Have you read the ebook? Interested in it? Would love to hear any feedback on it.

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